Boldly into the Future – NAMUN recognition grows as it enters university database

The North American Model United Nations (NAMUN) 2015 team IS among the first batch of student-run organizations to be recognized under the Co-Curricular Record (CCR), an official university database of extracurriculars that recognizes student achievement and participation in on-campus activities, such as clubs and employment.

"The CCR is a great tool for listing your involvement in the university outside of the classroom," said Larysa Workewych, NAMUN 2015's Secretary General. "This document can act as a supporting document to any resume, increasing the legitimacy of what you say you have done."

The CCR database began to develop a couple years ago, but this is the first year that student-clubs are eligible to apply. Students will now leave U of T not only with a diploma, but also a document that proves they got involved.

"The CCR does not just list your position, but also the skills that you obtained while you held that position," said Workewych. For now, recognition by the CCR extends only to NAMUN's executive positions -- "the positions that build recognizable skills." However, Workewych hopes that over the years all NAMUN staff positions will be added to the database.

"NAMUN is a unique organization at U of T because all of our positions build skills," Workewych said. "For this reason, the ultimate goal is to have all positions in NAMUN recognized by the CCR."

The CCR gives incentive to students -- particularly new students -- to get involved with on-campus organizations like NAMUN.

"Incoming students are more inclined to get involved with organizations that have this recognition to gain benefits associated with it," Workewych said.

"By the end of the year, students will be able to log into the CCR portal and search for positions based on skills, interest, or campus."

Students, like Workewych, who graduate this year won't benefit much from the CCR. However, she said it is important that NAMUN be recognized now so that other students will benefit down the road.

"For those NAMUN members that are currently in their first year at U of T, by their fourth year, they will have an official document that recognizes every activity they did," she said.


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